Saturday, 25 October 2014

Bench Press

Bench Press



No activity can compare with flat bench presses on the ground of muscle mass impact and chest muscle strength. Although the focus of the load here is aimed at mid-chest, upper and lower parts are working at full force as well. Flat bench press should take the place of the central in your chest workouts, because nothing comes closer to the purpose than it does. Moreover, barbell bench press can be performed in a number of ways including barbell bench presses and dumbbell bench presses. The last can be used to provide a greater range of motion.

Barbell bench press tips

Your starting position for the performing must be lying down on a horizontal bench, so that the barbell appeared to be strictly above your head. Head, shoulders and buttocks are pressed to the bench, back slightly arched in the lumbar region, feet wider than shoulders and rests on the floor. Grasp the bar with the wide grip (palms away from you), keeping distance between your hands wider than shoulders. Lift it off the rack and wring it up. At the top of the arm straightened (but not blocked in the elbows) the weight must be exactly over the middle of the chest. This is the starting position. If your feel the weight is too much, remove it from the rack only with a partner if you work with a barbell.
When you are ready, take a deep breath and lower bar to the bottom of the breast. Once the weight touches the chest, hold your breath and squeeze the barbell up powerfully, slightly diagonally toward the uprights, so that the weight to be exactly over the middle of the chest). At the top point exhale, pause and even more strain chest, if its’ possible. Then lower the bar in a slow or moderate tempo and then press it from the chest in a next rep. Do not pause at the lowest point: immediately press the weight as it touches your chest.

Bench press form.

barbell bench press tipsAlthough barbell bench press is a basic chest exercise, still many bodybuilders make typical mistakes that diminish its effectiveness. Number one is a pause at the bottom point. Pausing, you make yourself to loose control and use extra energy to grasp not only a barbell, but also your will. Each new repetition performed in such style will be felt harder and harder. As a result, you cannot make the planned number of repetitions. So, once the weight touches your body, use the energy accumulated in your muscles and lift it up.
Breath during the bench press bar top is also very important, because it keeps the body in a stable, safe, and helps to develop tension. The more stable body position, the more effective the work of muscles and less stress on the joints, so do not hold your breath for too long and exhale on the top point, as in an any other exercise. The heavier the bar, the stronger the muscles are stretched and the more you should exhale when have overcome the most difficult part of lifting weights.
While bench pressing, do not separate the hips and shoulders from the bench. This will strengthen the stability of the body and allow for maximum muscle chest. If you feel that you don’t have enough power to lift, ask your partner to help. Do not freeze in the middle! The bar must always move. Also do not bend your body at the lowest point, it’s extremely dangerous and can end up with a serious injury.
So, if you desire to build chest muscle mass, give shape to your chest and help its development, barbell bench presses are waiting for you!

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